Monday, March 7, 2011

Weekly 4b

Question: Does Power Corrupt? How or How Not? Why or Why Not? Do you think Alexander was corrupted? And who influenced whom the most: Did Persia become more Greek or did Alexander becoming more Persian?

Power is having control over another person, thing, or situation. And yes, I do believe that power does corrupt.  Having too much power, can make a person out of control. They might not know what to do with it all and wouldn't know how to handle it and control an empire at the same time. Having experience and being intelligent would not only make you a great leader, but would make you able of controlling all of your authority. A good example of someone like this would be Alexander the Great.

I don't think Alexander became corrupt because he was actually very successful. I truly believe that he was fighting mostly to avenge Persian wrongs. Alexander set goals for himself, and accomplished those goals.  He conquered the entire known world during his life at young age and was even considered a God. He created a myth about himself, and he left behind history that is still talked about a lot today. He was power-hungry, but in a way, that helped him. He was very determined and didn't  give up until he got what he wanted. He always wanted more and more and couldn't let anyone have more power then him. All this power did go to his head though. The main downfall of his reign was that he never listened to anyone else. Their ideas and thoughts just didn't matter to him.

While Greek was influencing Persia, Persia was also influencing Persia. People in Alexander's army said he began to turn Persian, but others say Alexander turned Persia more Greek. Of course Greek influenced Persia because Greek took them over, but Alexander, himself, started wearing Persian robes. This raised many concerns and had people wondering who's side he was really on. I feel like they affected each other because Alexander tried what was new to him and experienced the Persian culture. But, Persia probably became more Greek as they entered into Persia. 

Power is a very big factor leading to how someone rules. It can be hard to distribute out in an efficient, yet fair manor. A good leader has to be able to control their authority. They also should listen to the ideas and opinions from others, but not be too influenced by any one person in a negative way. Even the best leaders need advisors and mentors. I think it’s important for the any ruler/ leader to have all of these characteristics, to help them be the most successful they can be.

1 comment:

  1. This essay suffers from generalizations and lack of specific evidence. Alex the Great did not conquer the entire known world -- as evidenced by the fact that he was forced to turn back from India and never attempted entering Numidia in Sub-Saharan Africa.

    Your second paragraph does not contribute at all to your argument and your thesis is incomplete.
