Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Do you think Caesar's killers were justified in their actions?

Yes, I do think that Caesar’s killers were justified in their actions. They killed Caesar, whom they despised, in front of their whole town, brutally. Before he was assassinated,  Caesar had been on his way to the theater. It is true though, that Caesar's friends had tried to warn him. But, he ignored them, and told them to go away. Caesar believed he was immortal and for that, he was assassinated by Servilius Casca and Tillius Cimber. They were two of his fellow politicians. They murdered him in front of the people that adored him and it was a humiliating way to die. Since he was loved by so many people, Caesar didn't realize that he had made enemies as well. Julius Caesar’s death was executed in a very brutal way; he was stabbed by his killers 23 times. This would have allowed his killers to finally have their revenge on all the things that Julius Caesar did that made him such a great ruler. That fact of the matter was that his killers were just jealous that Caesar had risen to power so quickly and was adored by the people. They wanted the kind of respect that he had but in truth he had managed and worked for everything that he got. His killers had accomplished what they had set out to do and made even got more in the process because Caesar didn’t see it coming. He had became very successful very quickly, and had a lot of supporters. They wanted the respect that he had, but really he had worked hard to gain that. His murderers had a reason to want to kill him, but I don't think it was right for him to be killed Caesar defiantly desired more though, than to be killed by his peers. 

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