Question: How did Alexander create his own myth?
Many great rulers, such as Alexander the Great tried to make myths for themselves. Alexander did this by conquering the great Gordian knot because he out-smarted everyone and cut it with a sword. But the real story is that at one point in the time the Phrygians were without a king. So they decided to make the next man who arrived on an ox cart there next king. A peasant farmer named Gordias finally came into the city riding an ox cart, and he was then crowned king by the priests. His son, Midas, then dedicated an ox cart with its shafts tied together with cornel bark to the Phrygian god Sabazios. And whoever could untie the knot, was said to become the king of Asia. In the fourth century before the Common Era, Alexander arrived hoping to untie the knot. However, when he could not find the ends of the ropes he instead sliced it in half with his sword making him the new king of Asia. This meant to Alexander that the Gods were now with him.
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