Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Daily # 5 Week 4

Question:. Explain how the origins of theatre in Athens are tied to both religion and politics. 

The origins of theatre in Athens are tied to both religion and politics. Athenian theatre most likely evolved from festivals celebrating the group of Dionysus, who was the Greek god of fertility and wine. The festival was a very religious ceremony. The theatres and the plays themselves were dedicated to the various gods and goddesses. One of the theatres was called the Theatre of Dionysus.  Many activities in Athens, such as the Olympics and, of course, theatre, evolved from worshiping the gods. The actors themselves also portrayed gods or goddess. The plays in the festival were not used as business enterprises, but were funded by the Athenian people for the religious purposes. Religion was a big part of Athenian culture, and the Greek gods such as Aphrodite, Hera, and Poseidon were worshiped often for their power and, well, godliness. Since the theatre in Athens evolved from a festival celebrating and praising the gods, it ties in with religion. Athenian theatre also has to do with politics because usually only more wealthy people could read and understand the plays. Women were not allowed to participate in the plays, but masks were worn by the men so the audience couldn’t tell the difference anyways.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like you could've elaborated more on the political aspects of the theatre.
