Saturday, February 12, 2011

Daily # 4 Week 2

Question: Describe the importance of water in the ancient world. (from Twitter)

Water is very important today, and even more important in the ancient world. It was the key to almost everything. People depended on water for their survival. It was what they drank and in most of their food. Also, water helped them farm and was what made up the irrigation system many years ago. Today, due to the advancements in technology and other ideas, people don't need to depend on water as much. It is still just as important but today we have other resources we can rely on, while many years ago, water was their main resource. Other farming styles have changed a lot and now, water isn't the only thing we use to grow plants and food. Water will never not be important but as ideas advance and life goes on, I believe it will loose it's importance and role in the survival of humanity. 

1 comment:

  1. I think you could elaborate more on how water is still important to us today. But this is very good.
