Saturday, February 12, 2011

Daily #1 Week 3

Question: What is the oldest human-created artifact that has mattered to you? Why/how does it matter? (from @butwait on Twitter)

The oldest human-created artifact that is most important to me is the invention of the house. A long time ago, and even in some places in the world still, homes were tiny and made out of things such as sticks or mud. Houses are still very important to me, as they should be to everyone, because it's a place where you can feel the most comfortable and bond with your family. Everyone should feel safe at home and it's one of the most important places to be sometimes. The house was created at the beginning of time, and still carries out it's importance today. This is why the invention of the home is the most important human-created artifact that matters to me.

1 comment:

  1. i agree with you and think the house is very important. without it we wouldn't have a safe place.
