Thursday, February 17, 2011

Weekly 3. Stuff We Make: Megaliths, Pyramids, War

Our John Carroll Megalith Project

Our civilization is called the Xobile civilization. They have lived in Bel Air, Maryland for thousands of years. This civilization was founded around 100 b.c. my the famous Myan explorer, Kimosabe. Our civilization prospered to to the areas high amount of fertile soil. The Xobile took off agriculture making new tools such as plows and domesticating local deer to pull the plows.
Our culture fell upon poor times when the climate dropped majorly. Many people died of starvation. All of our domesticated deer died. When the summer came around though due to the leadership of Kimosabe the leader rebounded. They population came back and they were able to create enough surplus to survive the winter. Thanks to Kimosabe our civilization was able to survive. When Kimosbe died everybody was very sad. They decided to build a massive burial tomb. They traded many of their valuables for these massive stones and dragged them to their holiest spot. They made a glorious tomb to recognize their leader. This tomb has survived for thousand of years even though the civilization was wiped out.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Daily # 5 Week 3

Question : "Structures, both social and physical are continually improving." agree or disagree (from @thecorcoran)

I agree to the statement that both social and physical structures are continually improving. A long time ago, houses and buildings weren't built very sturdy. Most homes were made of mud or sticks. In ancient Egypt, and other places like that, large structures were built, such as pyramids. The design was still good and so was the overall structure, but over the years, architecture has matured and advanced.  Now, buildings and structures are made very sturdy and have the most modern designs and techniques used in them. Socially, the world is improving too. You learn from your and other's mistakes. That is what most of the world has done over the years. People all over the planet are advancing everyday, along with their ideas and thoughts. Also, when a ruler (king, president, etc.) messes up, the next one can just learn from his/her mistakes and just be better for his/her people/country. The world is just a continuous progress of improvement and advancements. 

Daily # 4 Week 3

Question: "War is a form of technology". Agree or Disagree.

I personally agree to this statement. Every country, person, civilization, province, etc. has their own methods and ideas. Some build their ideas off others, by just improving them or using a similar concept, but I believe that all methods are unique to each other. This is why I think war is considered a form of technology. Technology is defined as  the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, and crafts, or is systems or methods of organization. War is a technique in that you use in to beat someone (something) else.  In war, you use many techniques, crafts, or tools, such as weapons, too. Much knowledge is needed to know how to correctly win a war. War is also considered technology because it has evolved, just like other forms of technology. Over the years, advancements in tools and methods in war are very beneficial. Technology is useful stuff, and so is war because it helps settles problems and issues between two or more people/groups. This is why I believe war should be thought of a form of technology because it's a useful way to get things done, and a smart method, like other form of technology.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Daily #1 Week 3

Question: What is the oldest human-created artifact that has mattered to you? Why/how does it matter? (from @butwait on Twitter)

The oldest human-created artifact that is most important to me is the invention of the house. A long time ago, and even in some places in the world still, homes were tiny and made out of things such as sticks or mud. Houses are still very important to me, as they should be to everyone, because it's a place where you can feel the most comfortable and bond with your family. Everyone should feel safe at home and it's one of the most important places to be sometimes. The house was created at the beginning of time, and still carries out it's importance today. This is why the invention of the home is the most important human-created artifact that matters to me.

Daily # 5 Week 2

Create your own language:

They switch (take each-other places)


Exmpoleo- exploded

Hi how are you? - Ji joq ale yab?
Hello- Jerro
What is your name? - Kjas as yabr vape?

Is- as

I- Ya
She/he- Ye
Us- Yos
You- Yab

Singular- same
Plural- add ES
Past tense- add O
Will- wob
No- na
Yes- Yut

The Earth revolves around the sun =
Sje Ealsj  lenornet alouvn sje tuv.

Daily # 4 Week 2

Question: Describe the importance of water in the ancient world. (from Twitter)

Water is very important today, and even more important in the ancient world. It was the key to almost everything. People depended on water for their survival. It was what they drank and in most of their food. Also, water helped them farm and was what made up the irrigation system many years ago. Today, due to the advancements in technology and other ideas, people don't need to depend on water as much. It is still just as important but today we have other resources we can rely on, while many years ago, water was their main resource. Other farming styles have changed a lot and now, water isn't the only thing we use to grow plants and food. Water will never not be important but as ideas advance and life goes on, I believe it will loose it's importance and role in the survival of humanity. 

Daily # 3 Week 2

Question: Which do you think is a better roadmap of history artifacts of the humanities (art, music, dance, theatre, literature, philosophy, architecture, etc) or political/military conflicts? Why? (from Twitter) 

I think things such as art, music, dance, and literature are a better road map to the history artifacts of the humanities than political/military conflicts. This is because the things like music and dance are constantly changing and reflect the time period and style of the years. Also, in the very beginning of time, there wasn't much fighting or political issues occurring. But there was always a record of literature and architecture that we can learn from. Art and music and very important facts of how the world has progressed and is easy to follow these changes. Architecture is another easy thing to follow because it's not hard to see how the style and building ideas and structures have altered over the years, kind of just like humans. Over the years, they will continue to change and people will easily be able to compare it to the years before. 

Daily # 2 Week 2

Question: You accidentally discover an invention that can immediately help millions of people; but only if you act immediately. On the other hand, if you just wait three months, you can secure a patent and get rich. Which do you choose and why?

If i accidentally discovered an invention and knew that it could help millions of people if I acted immediately, I would act upon it as quickly as possible. Waiting three months, just to get rich, doesn't even compare to helping out many people. The world also needs improvement and doesn't have time to wait three more months. Also, if I helped out immediately, the people would be/should be very thankful of my actions and I would probably get more credit for it and be honored more if people knew I wasn't being selfish. Helping out people and improving out world, is way more important then worrying about getting rich and only caring about the improvement of yourself and your life.

Daily # 4

Question: Will a "hypertext" world make us more accepting of cyclic history? 

No I don't think a "hypertext" world would make us more accepting of cyclic history. Cyclic history is the  theory which dictates that the major forces that motivate human actions return in a cycle. Hypertext is text displayed on a computer or other electronic device with references (hyper links) to other text that the reader can immediately access, usually by the click of a mouse. I don't think the use of a computer helps us to accept this theory. I think the internet and other online resources help us understand information about the world and other important facts.Using hypertext though, can help give us information quickly and easily but I don't think that it can fully change the way we think and what we believe in. Hypertexts would give us more information about cyclic history and make us understand it better, but wouldn't convert our beliefs in it and wouldn't make a person accept it more. 

Daily # 3

Question: Don't our traditional forms of information communication, notably "the book" and especially "the textbook" contribute to our belief in linear history?

Yes, I think that things such as books and textbook help contribute to our belief in linear history. This is because many records and important information are documented in these books. With linear history, it is easy to see how a person or a country has progressed over the years. Textbooks and books make it easy to follow this history. More recently though, people are using the internet for finding out information. This isn't bad because it's very helpful and can give you the answers to almost everything. But by reading books or looking at timelines, you can probably find out just as much information about the history or something. Now a days, people believe that things such as timelines are out dated and rely more on computers.

Daily #2

Question: Is modern life "always" better than it was in the past?

To me, I don't think modern life was necessarily "better" than it was in the past. But this all depends on your perspective on life. A long time ago, technology was just becoming known. This means no TV's, phones, computers, or I-pod's. The sad thing is, that now a days, most people can't live without these things. Technology has taken over our world completely. Many people are so caught up in being up to date with all the latest gadgets, that they don't even take time to enjoy life. A while ago, people would do things such as read or go outside for fun. Today, most teenagers are texting or playing x-box for fun. But technology doesn't only have negative effects on the society and people. These advancements have improved our communication with each other, of course not face-to-face though. Education has also benefited from new discoveries in technology. It's just that life 100 years ago is so different than life today.  You can't really say which is better, it just all depends on whether you prefer taking advantage of every moment you have, or waste it doing things like x-box.

Weekly 3. Stuff We Make: Megaliths, Pyramids, War

Our civilization is called the Xobile civilization. They have lived in Bel Air, Maryland for thousands of years. This civilization was founded around 100 b.c. my the famous Myan explorer, Kimosabe. Our civilization prospered to to the areas high amount of fertile soil. The Xobile took off agriculture making new tools such as plows and domesticating local deer to pull the plows.
            Our culture fell upon poor times when the climate dropped majorly. Many people died of starvation. All of our domesticated deer died. When the summer came around though due to the leadership of Kimosabe the leader rebounded. They population came back and they were able to create enough surplus  to survive the winter.  Thanks to Kimosabe our civilization was able to survive. When Kimosbe died everybody was very sad. They decided to build a massive burial tomb. They traded many of their valuables for these massive stones and dragged them to their holiest spot. They made a glorious tomb to recognize their leader. This tomb has survived for thousand of years even though the civilization was wiped out.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Daily February 2nd

Create your own language:

They switch (take each-other places)


Exmpoleo- exploded

Hi how are you? - Ji joq ale yab?
Hello- Jerro
What is your name? - Kjas as yabr vape?

Is- as

I- Ya
She/he- Ye
Us- Yos
You- Yab

Singular- same
Plural- add ES
Past tense- add O
Will- wob
No- na
Yes- Yut

The Earth revolves around the sun =
Sje Ealsj  lenornet alouvn sje tuv.